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Blog Review

November 3, 2008

The first blog I reviewed was relentlessPR. I really enjoyed the way this blog was written. I felt like I was having a conversation with the creator. Some other blogs I have seen I felt like I was reading an academic paper or I was reading the transcript of a lecture. This blog was easy to read and comprehend.  I also enjoyed the variety of the content. Everything I read pertained in some way to the Public Relations industry, but it was never boring or repetitive. It covered a wide variety of topics within the Public Relations industry. I also found that the lay out of this blog was inviting and easy to read. the colors and pictures made it fun and bright but they were not over done or distracting.

The second blog I reviewed was culpwrit. I found that this blog was especially interesting to me because it discusses building a career which is where I am in life right now. It gave several good tips about starting a career in Public Relations. I think that this is a blog site that anyone looking to start a career in the Public Relations industry could benefit from. I liked that not only did this site provide young professionals tips for finding a job but it also provided links to places where people looking for Public Relations jobs can go to search for something that suits their needs. Again, on this page I liked the variety of content. On this site I saw tips, links, and even question and answers. I also liked the layout of this page. It was clean, simple, and easy to read.